Sunday, February 12, 2006


1) "Death of a Salesman" Arthur Miller 11.01.2006
2) "Theatre" (teistkordselt) William Somerset Maugham 14.01.2005
3) "Three Men on the Bummel" Jerome K. Jerome 23.01.2006


1) "Helesinised esmaspäevad" Arnon Grunberg 02.12.2005
2) "The Black Album" Hanif Kureishi 21.12.2005
3) "Language and Culture" Claire Kramsch 23.12.2005
4) "Kuidas kohaneda võõras kultuuris?" Hille Pajupuu 24.12.2005
5) "Aja kulu" Doris Kareva 29.12.2005


1) "Northanger Abbey" Jane Austen 03.11.2005
2) "Oaas" Nikolai Baturin 15.11.2005
3) "Liza of Lambeth" William Somerset Maugham 18.11.2005
4) "Hääleseadmise teooria tehnika ja tervishoid" Tenno Vironi 21.11.2005
5) "The First Man" Albert Camus 25.11.2005
6) "Anekdoot Haroni venest" Nikolai Baturin 27.11.2005